Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Digital Skills Task 3

I have just completed my final Digital Skills task. This task involved creating a video using the technique of the Parallax Effect. To achieve this effect I first had to take a number of photographs of people/objects and a few that would be good backgrounds. I then took the images of the people into Photoshop and Cut around them. This left me with just the people in a PNG image. I then imported these files into After effects and layered them on top of the background, scaled them to the appropriate size and then added movement.

I found this task very interesting as I had never used After Effects or Photoshop before this task. I have now learned how to use this software and I can now use it in future projects. I feel that this Task has benefited me immensely as I now have more knowledge and understanding of the uses and how to use these two pieces of software.

Task 3 -

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